The bit coin price of March 2018 seemed to have been wandering the bottom price.
There is a proverb in Japan meaning “After rain comes fair weather”.
When the price is falling, it is time to prepare for the rise.
cryptocurrency investment = “Forecast of the future”
Considering what kind of service you are happy you will see the future of the cryptocurrency.
Here is the recommended cryptocurrency ranking as of January 2018
Please judge investment at your own risk.
Fluctuation, Mar.31.2018
Jan.1.2018 $508.00(Reference Value)
Mar.31 $186.31 -321.69(-63.32%)
BNB (Binance coin)
Jan.1.2018 $8.63(Reference Value)
Mar.31 $10.00 +1.37(+15.87%)
Jan.1.2018 $3.64(Reference Value)
Mar.31 $1.10 -2.54(-69.78%)
BRD (Bread)
Jan.1.2018 $1.69(Reference Value)
Mar.31 $0.39 -1.3(-76.92%)
MTH (Monetha)
Jan.1.2018 $0.314294(Reference Value)
Mar.31 $0.090556 -0.223738(-71.18%)
All five cryptocurrencies can be purchased with BINANCE.